React and web development
Pomodoro app
I am a huge fan of productivity apps. They allow us to organize our digital spaces and give direction to our time, energy and attention. Among the most common techniques to keep our attention on a task for a period of time is the pomodoro technique. This technique consists in the partitioning of sessions of work in discrete amounts of time (called session in the app). The idea is to work by sprints, each with a recommended duration of 20-30 minutes, with breaks of 5 minutes in between.
The application allows to define the session and break duration in minutes using increment/decrement buttons that changed the duration by one unit. The session rectangle show the event timer. It works as a countdown starting from the set event duration towards zero. A "play/pause" allows to start or pause the timer during session. A "reset" button allows to reset the timer.
At the top left corner we find the session and break counters. These indicator will show how many session or break events have ocurred during a given day.
Finally, at the top right corner we find the setting menu which is currently functional and an aspirational statistics dashboard for relevant information about daily session and time. The settings menu allows to change three different aspects of the app functionality: theme, session and break alarms.
This app was created using React, Vite and Typescript. You can find more information about the code in Pomodoro React app.
I created a simple calculator able to perform basic math operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Operations over integers and decimals (using the period button) are allowed. It also includes the 'PI' button to quicly add such constant. The button "=" will retrieve the result of an operation. "DEL" will remove the last character from the current promt.
"CLR" will reset the calculator. "ANS" will use the last result display in "out". The display has two main sections: "out", which shows the result of the last computation and the main area presenting the current prompt to be calculated.
This app was created using React, Vite and Typescript. You can find more information about the code in Calculator React app.
Vim tutorial
Neovim is one of the my favorite text editors. During the last 5 years the tool has grown a lot in features and community. Now it can be extended via plugins to be used a full featured IDE. My fascination with this tool was the main motivation behind this project.
This vim tutorial app is a simple way to quickly learn the basic move operation of Vim/Neovim. It consists of a counter, and a canvas. A cursor can be moved through the canvas using the motion Vim keys h (left), j (up), k (down) and l (right). The key "x" is used to delete the character "%" once the cursor is above it.
This game can be extended adding multiple obstacles to the 2D path. Different levels can be added requiring the mastering of other aspects of Vim, such as the copy/paste operation or the visual mode.
This app was created using React, createReactApp and TailWind. The main component of the app (the canvas) was adapted from "codeMirror", a library that allows to easily include a text editor inside a Javascript application. You can find more information about the code in Vim tutorial React app.
Markdown previewer
This was a fun project where I explored the creation of note taking and markdown editor apps. One of my favorite note taking apps is Obsidian. This is a markdown based note taking app that creates a knowledge graph with your notes. I was curious about how it worked and the viability of creating one by myself in the future in case the product was discountinued in the future (unfortunately, it's not open source).
The app is able to perform live conversion between markdown markup and HTML redering. Each view is presented next to each other. Most of markdown elements (`bold`, `highlight`, `code`, `quotes`,`images`, etc.) are covered.
This app was created using React, vite, marked and highlightJS. The library responsible for the markdown compilation is marked, which is built for speed and continuous markdown parsing without blocking. The text editor was implemented with a `textarea`. You can find more information about the code in Markdown previewer React app.
Here are a couple more project from my very beginnings exploring React as a framework. React was used for both projects. The original create-react
method allowed the
creation of the apps in the initial version. They have been
updated to use vite
Random quote machine and drum machine.
Drum machine
As part of a frontend development course I took in I built a Drum Machine. The machine features nine different drum sounds that can be played by clicking on the respective button. It is also possible to use the keyboard pressing the desired key, which is the label of each pad. A `display` element at the right hand side shows the characterization of each sound in the drum machine world.
You can find more information about the code in Drum Machine React app.
Random quote generator
This was one of the first projects created with React. First I collected a set of inspirational quotes and created a list with them. The list can be accessed at random using the `New quote!` button. Sharing is also possible to share via the Mastodon button.
You can find more information about this project in Quote Generator React app.